If you've been looking for hair loss information on the Internet, you've probably had to deal with a variety of tips and tricks.
Obviously, some of these "tips" come from people who have no idea what they are talking about.
They don't know how frustrating it is when your precious hair starts to fall - one strand at a time - and there seems to be nothing you can do about it.
Therefore, in the following paragraphs we will look at the numerous statements about the Folexin hair restoration application.
The product (in the figure above) has been named one of the most effective additives for hair loss on the market today.
Frankly speaking, this already sounds like an exaggeration, and that's why we decided to take the bottle and test it ourselves.
Is there even an ounce of truth in the reviews we have shared so far?
Are there any side effects to worry about?
Stay here to get a direct view of this hair product based on the latest proven scientific research and actual user results.
Quick facts
- Product Name: Folexin
- Manufacturer: Vitabalance
- Done: USA (Richmond, Virginia)
- Official website: Website
Knowledge is power. And the more you learn about it, the better you can make decisions about your future. So read on.
All about Alopecia
Over time and with age, your body changes. Your hormone balance may change over time.Sometimes your genetic make-up can start to work, and in the worst cases, autoimmune disease can start to affect your hair follicles.
But again, there is no reason to worry, because autoimmune diseases are rarely reported, especially in healthy people.
In 99.9% of cases, the main cause of hair loss spells is the inaction of the cells responsible for combining hair follicles. And in this case, you will have to face three options on your way to recovery.
Option 1: Hair Restore Surgery
This is a rather expensive procedure, which entails an attempt to recover lost hair follicles. It is a rather complicated process, and usually you have to go to the surgeon for several sessions. However, this option often does not reveal the root cause of hair loss.
In fact, it is not uncommon for people to tell stories that even after such expensive procedures they continue to lose their hair.
But in general, cosmetic surgery is an effective method of rejuvenating hair growth, and we have seen that people like Wayne Rooney and David Beckham have reportedly taken advantage of this opportunity.
Option 2: Leave the hair to continue to fall.
This is a good option for those of you who don't mind staying with your bald head. It's a good option in the sense that we really encourage everyone to feel comfortable in their own skin. If something stressful about self-denial can easily aggravate hair loss problems.
And that's why, in our opinion, it's a really good option, especially if you're not very concerned about your personal image.
Option 3: Using Folexin (Foligen) Pills
Well, this would be a good option if you want to get to the root of the problem without facing a surgeon’s knife.
However, we must admit that Folexin is just a supplement.
And as you know, supplements are never perfect. Their results aren’t typical (keep reading to find out why).
What's Folexin?
Earlier this product was known as Foligen. So don't be surprised if you're looking for reviews of Foligen tablets just to find articles about Folexin.
Simply put, Folexin is a dietary supplement that restores hair and prevents hair loss in the future. In our opinion, it works best if that's what hair loss is caused by:
- Stress
- Age...
- Use of heating irons
- The sun.
- Chlorine damage
- Hormonal changes
- Changes in the environment
- Unexplained hair loss
- Among other things.
Does Folexin work?
There are mixed opinions about whether this product works or not. This is a general trend in the use of all additives. And so, just to meet your expectations, it is important to note that food additives may not work, especially if the main reason why they are meant to be eliminated is not the cause of the symptoms that you experience.
That is, Foligen can really work if you experience premature hair loss due to changes in hormones, the environment, aging or the use of harmful hair products.
This may not work in the case of chronic autoimmune disease or chemotherapy.
We believe that these differences are the reason why opinions about the effectiveness of this application are so broad and diverse. Ultimately, most people who use this product claim to have experienced its benefits, according to the latest feedback in 2019.
However, it is worth noting that this product operates naturally. Thus, it is not a short path to hair restoration. So if you're looking for an option that will allow you to take a few pills and return your hair in a few hours, maybe it won't be a formula for you.
In our opinion, Folexin is best suited for men and women who want to climb stairs rather than in an elevator. The results may take some time to show, but once they appear, you'll be more than happy that you've been patient enough in the first place.
Before and after the results.
You can expect to achieve significant results within 10 weeks of using this product. But it's important to be realistic about what to expect.
First, you need to take the correct dosage and follow a consistent daily regimen (more on this later).
One common result of using Foligen (or Folexin, as many now know) is that it leads to a stronger and thicker mane. This additive improves the structure of your hair and also increases its elasticity.
It also speeds up the growth rate of your hair. This is achieved by increasing blood circulation to the hair follicles. And as you can imagine, with improved blood circulation, hair follicles get the ingredients they need to create new hair strands faster.
If you still have hair and only a few small bald spots, you'll probably notice that your hair will become more saturated and thicker. If you show signs of hair loss, such as a huge bald spot that is clearly visible from a distance, you'll probably notice a few accidental threads appearing during the first 8 weeks.
Unfortunately, the product may seem slow if you have been bald for a long time. This is because in such cases the hair roots are usually inactive, which means that additional additives may be required.
So don't believe the photos taken before and after using Folexin, which seem to indicate that it will be a success overnight. This is far from a regime that requires dedication and commitment. Also, the speed with which you are going to get the result can vary depending on how long you have been bald.
How do you take that?
Okay, so you need to stick to a dose of two capsules per serving. And with each bottle supplied with 60 capsules, it's equal to a month's supply. And since it takes at least 10 weeks to get the best results, you'll need at least two bottles first.
This sucks! They should have packed the entire dose in one bottle if they had known that the minimum number of capsules needed to view the result was 120. I mean, why not just create a full dosage package with a longer warranty period?
10% discount when ordering two bottles at once. More information can be found here.
Returning to the details of the dosage, it is important to note that you can take 2 capsules individually or immediately. So there is nothing wrong with taking one in the morning and the other in the evening, or both.
The important thing is that you take the food supplement.
Please note
Do not take Folexin on an empty stomach, as it may cause dizziness or dizziness.
In our opinion, it works best when you take food with a rich breakfast. And just as importantly, don't forget to take a lot of water.
Stick to these dosing requirements and you'll probably avoid all the harmful side effects that some people talk about. And most importantly, be compatible with taking nutritional supplements. You may have to add this to your reminder so that you don't miss the dosage too long, although there is nothing wrong with missing one day.
Our verdict on the use of Folexin
Therefore, we are torn between recommending this product or simply cancelling it. Why not? Because of the small font "Results are not typical". Just this expression confirms that this product may or may not work for you, although we observe that most of those who have used it so far seem to be very satisfied.
In our opinion and experience, this product is usually best suited for minor hair loss or for early symptoms of hair loss. However, this may not be so much if you are bald for ten or more years! So if you have just noticed that you are getting bald and worried that the situation may get worse, it is a good product.
It can simply provide you with the nutrients you need to maintain a good mane appearance and health for a long time. NB: You can click here to find out the latest folexin prices.